Principal's Voice

Arokiaraj Nicholas

The severity of higher learning in a semester system is simply visible in the current days of intense competition among the student aspirants. The very dynamics of bench-marking gives an edge of uniqueness to every institution, thus putting aside the stereotyping of organizational practices.

To support the serious contenders who join us in the learning exercise, we at the Deccan Group of Institutions go much length in different modes of approach to see to it that the students assimilate what is taught, demonstrated and instructed. Progression of every level of learner during their stay in graduate studies is a challenge that any Organizations of Purpose face and ours is no exception.

The Management at the Deccan is very rational in its judgment to this end and I dutifully acknowledge the leadership and promotion. Campus activities well beyond classroom interaction are equally impending. To this end, we encourage our students to scientifically gather curricular and co-curricular related inputs from the field for the in-campus processing under the guidance from the faculty, thus learn problem-solving on real-time basis.